Pustaka Cetak

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Terdapat 31579 Judul
1579 halaman
Nicholas P. Chopey

Chemical Engineering

Paleontological Research Institution

Bulletins of American Paleontology

Gerard C. Herman


United Engineering Center

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology

The Society of Petroleum Engineers

Journal of Petroleum Tegnology

Thomas J. Birmingham

Journal of Geophysical Research

The Clay Minerals Society

Clay and Clay Minerals

M. Friedman, Elsevier Science Publisher


M. Friedman, Elsevier Science Publisher


J. J Jacklitsch, JR

Journal of Applied Mechanics

American Association of Petroleum Geologists

AAPG Bulletin

American Association Of Petroleum Geologists

AAPG Bulletin (Part I : January - June)

Blackwell Energy Research

Oil and Energy Trends

Penwell Publishing
